Design Your Body | Design Your Life

You know how you try hard to make the right food choices, but sometimes find yourself snacking on something that you later regret? Do you occasionally feel like you delay […]

Try This to Burn More Fat While you Sleep

We all know that we burn calories when we exercise, but did you know you can design your workouts to make your body more efficient at burning calories even after […]

How Much Protein Do YOU Need?

Whether you’re a fitness competitor or somewhat deconditioned, you probably have wondered how much protein you really need on a daily basis. It’s a question at the top of many people’s minds. […]


SPECIAL EDITION–BITE ME! Change Your Life One Bite at a Time e-book 160 Pages, Full-color, 8.5 x 11 PDF file   GET INSPIRED. I’m proud to announce a more user-friendly, updated version of […]

Political Food Fight

This morning the San Jose Mercury News featured a story on the latest political debate in our community; a proposal to ban sugary drinks at city properties and events, pitched […]

Easy Meals and Snacks for 300 Calories or Less

What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to eating healthy? Are you feeling the pressures of balancing your increasingly busy life with the challenges of finding food that is […]

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