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Heat Wave Heroes: Essential Summer Self-Care Tips

As summer sizzles on and heat waves sweep across the U.S., it’s more important than ever to prioritize self-care, especially hydration and electrolyte balance. Here’s your guide to staying cool,

Why It’s Important for Companies to Hold Wellness Retreats

Why It’s Important for Companies to Hold Wellness Retreats In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the importance of employee well-being cannot be overstated. While many companies have implemented wellness programs, there

Five Minutes to a Healthy Start to Your Day

I’m popping in this morning to send  you loving energy, and share real-life solutions to make your days a little easier. We have many demands placed on us on a

I’m Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet.

Hi, I’m Toni. Let me re-introduce myself. You know me as my former self, as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. Confession: I used to get offended when my friends

The Humanity Project America, Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Humanity Project America Launch Event: 10 Commitments to Make our World a Better Place Toni Julian, CEO of the Soul Potential Institute, announces the much-anticipated launch

Healthy Chocolate Avocado Ganache Dessert Recipe

Chocolate lovers, it’s time to celebrate! Here’s an easy, two-ingredient, recipe that’s the most delicious, healthy and guilt-free dessert to ever grace this planet. It was inspired by Golden Door

Healthy Avocado Wasabi Stuffed Eggs Appetizer

At a loss for what to bring to your next party? My motto is always have a healthy option available during the holidays and this healthy appetizer is always happily

Inspiring Sustainably Healthy Lives

take the first step. we can journey together.

woman jumping and reflex her body
Toni Julian

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