How to Feel Fuller, Longer: So You’ll Eat Less and Lose Weight!

Have you ever eaten an apple for a snack, only to be hungry again an hour later? Or skip meals only to grab a fistful of Cheetos, a handful of nuts or run out the door with a bagel between your teeth?  It’s challenging to find protein that’s convenient which is why most of reach for a quick carbohydrate.

So how can we feel more satisfied and stay fuller for longer? Being satiated with wholesome foods, in the right combination, translates into increased energy and improved vitality. It can also mean making better food choices and avoiding those annoying cravings in the afternoons and evenings. You know the ones, where you’ll do anything to get your hands on something salty-chewy-sugary-crunchy-greasy; in other words, dense carbohydrates for instant fuel.

It all comes down to regulating your blood sugar. Let’s go back to that apple which is made primarily of carbohydrates. Carbs, especially the simple ones, metabolize very quickly which raises your blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Balance Chart

Your body responds by secreting a rush of Insulin from the Pancreas to drive the extra glucose for storage into your fat cells. There is an opposing hormone, called Glucagon, which works to elevate your blood sugar when glucose levels are low. These two hormones work in harmony to keep your body in balance. Imagine the arcade pinball game where you are using your right and left paddles to keep the pinball in the middle, right where your blood sugar level should be; between 80-120 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). Abusing those hormones on an ongoing basis by eating overly-processed foods and too many simple carbohydrates–especially sweets–and you’ll be setting yourself up for insulin resistance and the potential for Type II diabetes.

Once you combine your carbohydrate, such a vegetable, brown rice or quinoa, with a lean protein (I’ll use a chicken breast as an example) and a healthy fat (such as avocado), you have designed a meal that will metabolize much more slowly. Your body will release the calories at a slower rate so your blood sugar won’t spike. Because it metabolizes gradually, you will enjoy sustained energy for a longer period of time, feel more satiated for longer, your hormones will be regulated, and unless you are a purely emotional eater, you’ll find yourself eating less!

With our ever increasingly busy lives, it’s often challenging to find lean proteins on-demand, and even more so to have the convenience of healthy meal options designed with the optimal balance of lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

What started out as my own desire to make healthy foods more convenient for my family and friends–especially as I began to witness many of them becoming sick–evolved into a passion and stewardship for others who share in this common goal.  If you haven’t already tried it, I have a special offer for TONI’S Hot Protein Meals, which I designed to keep you FULL and FUELED for hours! Each meal boasts 18 grams of protein, which is equivalent to about five egg whites or one-half chicken breast. It’s delicious and convenient, just add hot water and go!

Take advantage of 25% off our grab and go sampler pack here. 

About Toni Julian

Toni Julian is a nationally renowned health and nutrition advocate, author of BITE ME! Change Your Life One Bite at a Time, Fitness Expert, creator of TONI’S High-Performance Protein Meals, and a 50-something mom of four. Visit

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