Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Almonds

As a kid, Brussels Sprouts always tasted bitter and mushy so I unfortunately developed an aversion to them, until recently when a friend introduced me to her way of making them, fresh and delicious. I lightened the recipe a bit to fit into my clean-eating lifestyle, and now they are a weekly, if not daily staple. They are delicious hot, and the left overs are even tasty cold. Here’s to your good health!

What’s in it…

  • 2 lbs. Organic Brussels Sprouts, Quartered
  • 1 cup Low Sodium Organic Chicken Broth
  • ¼ cup Dried Cranberries
  • ¼ cup Slivered Almonds
  • 1 Clove Chopped Garlic
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste

What to do…

Rinse and quarter the Brussels Sprouts. In a large skillet, spray with non-stick cooking spray or apply a small amount of olive oil with a paper towel, just until the pan looks moistened. On high heat, brown sprouts until you see a slight sear. Add the chicken broth and cover immediately. Turn down the heat and simmer for four minutes, until the sprouts turn a beautiful bright green, a bit al dente! Add the cranberries and almonds last so they maintain their texture, and give it a quick toss to warm through. Serve and enjoy!


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