Detox Smoothie — For Those Who Can’t Wait to Lose Weight

I am excited to share my latest meal solution with you! It is a naturally detoxifying, nutrient-dense, and low-calorie meal which ensures you get roughly one-third of your daily protein requirements, plus three servings of vegetables and three servings of fruits! You are well on your way to feeling energized with this super-food powerhouse. Because of the berries and tomato it’s full of antioxidants, and the greens make it high in phytonutrients—those cleansing and detoxifying little miracle workers—while the lemon further boosts it alkalinity. It’s also organic if you stick with said produce, and almost entirely raw, so it retains all the nutrients that may typically lost through processing or cooking.

If you are hungry for more detailed nutrition information, you’ll be thrilled to know this smoothie provides all the Vitamin K you need in a day, plus 50% of the calcium, 60% of the iron, 40% of the potassium, 50% of the fiber, B12 and B6 for an average person. Plus, an immune system enhancing 340% of your RDA of Vitamin C!

I should forewarn you that the color may not be aesthetically appealing for anyone who is new to blending fruits and veggies. For you color enthusiasts, what hue do you get when you mix green and red? Brown, and in this case a kind of brownish-violet concoction from combining so many highly nutritious fruits and vegetables! So I will encourage you to get over your potential visual aversion and your body will be thankful for it. And if you still can’t get past the color then just close your eyes and drink it up, because it is truly satisfying and quite delicious.

Substitution Options: I use Almond Milk because it has a healthy fat content—which combined with complex carbohydrates and protein—is digested more slowly and allows you to feel satiated for longer, and is a good non-dairy option as well. You can always substitute with low or non-fat milk or a rice drink beverage if you prefer, and especially in the case of nut allergies, but keep it organic. You can also use this recipe as a template and use what you already have in your refrigerator; for example use spinach instead of kale, or strawberries instead of blueberries, or toss in a bit of left over fresh zucchini.

Boosts Options:  

These are a great way to enhance an already powerful meal solution.  I typically add about one tablespoon of a plant-based “green” powder that is full of Spirulina, dandelion greens, sea kelp, wheat grasses and other greens that I would not likely have fresh on hand or easily accessible. There are many brands on the market, so be sure to read the labels to ensure it is 100% organic, pure dried plants without fillers.

The protein powder is very clean and based on whey protein concentrate and isolate, and absent of sucralose, or other artificial sweeteners. Vanilla is a neutral flavor that goes well with this recipe.

If you take a multivitamin, you can simply add it in before you blend your drink. It will ensure you get your trace minerals and if you’re like me, you won’t have to try to choke it down with water later!

Makes 1 Large Serving

NUTRITION PROFILE                 CAL-290/PRO-29/CARB-50/FAT-3/SAT-0/CHO-20/SOD-224/FIB-12


What to Buy:  Organic Produce and Support Local Growers Whenever Possible

  • 1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 small Lemon, ( juiced or puree with the rind in your juicer)
  • 2 large Kale Leafs (any variety)
  • ½ cup Berries (raspberries, blueberries, marionberries)
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 small Tomato
  • 1 small Apple (cored)


  • 1 Scoop each Vanilla Whey Protein Powder and Green SuperFood, such as Vitamineral Green — included in nutrient profile
  • 2 Ice Cubes, for desired consistency
  • Optional: Multivitamin
  • Sweetener: Stevia or Truvia packet to taste

What to do:

It’s best to use a Vitamix or Nutri-Bullet blender. If you have a standard kitchen blender you can still enjoy this smoothie, however you will want to strip the stem out of the kale as it’s very fibrous. Add almond milk first. Wash your fruits and vegetables then cut your produce into manageable portions to blend. Add the remaining ingredients at once and blend thoroughly. If you prefer your beverage colder or to have more of a shake consistency, you may add a few ice cubes. If you are using a Vitamix, you may use the tamper which helps force the ingredients to the bottom of the mixer for blending. Otherwise, you will need to cut your produce into smaller sizes to mix and may need to add a small amount of water to help blend. You will not likely need to add water if using a more powerful blender.


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