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Outstanding Oats


Oats Have Super Powers!

By Toni Julian

Oats aren’t just any grain; there is much more to them than meets the eye. Not to be confused with instant oats, which are often stripped of beneficial components and over-processed, whole oats are full of beneficial nutrients and are a staple for thriving people everywhere.

See Toni’s Coconut-Blueberry OatMEAL Recipe below!

Oats are high in beta-glucan, which is a specific type of fiber that lowers bad LDL cholesterol levels. It also lowers heart disease risk and helps immunity cells reach bacterial infections much more quickly. In case that wasn’t good enough, oats are now found to contain oat-specific antioxidants called avenanthramides. These ‘thramides further lower LDL levels, sweep free radicals, and reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

Other benefits of adding oats to your diet:

  • Low glycemic index
  • Substantially lowers type 2 diabetes risk
  • More fiber per ounce than brown rice
  • Just one cup of whole oats lends 1/3 of your recommended daily fiber intake
  • In conjunction with a diet which includes fish, can reduce childhood athsma by 50%
  • Lignans can protect against breast- and hormone-related cancers and heart disease

Beneficial Vitamins:

  • Oats are an EXCELLENT source of manganese. There is a whopping 94% DV of manganese in each ¼ cup. It helps bone health and bone formation, skin integrity (collagen production, resists oxygen-related damage and UV damage), blood sugar control, and protection against free radical damage.
  • Excellent (64% DV) source of molybdenum. While the research of this mineral is incomplete, it is clear that it promotes longevity and supports the health of 7 crucial enzymes in our bodies. It also balances our ever-important sulfur levels, brain function, nervous system metabolism, sleep, and provides antioxidant protection.
  • Very good source of phosphorous. It is important for basic cell function, bone support, maintaining energy supplies, and acid-base (pH) balance.
  • Also a good source of copper, biotin, B1, magnesium, chromium, fiber zinc, and protein.

It is important to understand the variety of options available so that you can make the best decision for your health. Below are the descriptions of popular types you might find in the cereal aisle:

  • Groats: Whole kernel oats. They have been hulled but are not stripped of any vital nutrients.
  • Steel cut: Groats that have been thinly sliced. These can take 20 minutes or more on the stovetop. It often results in less consumption of oats because the time and effort needed can limit your ability to make them often.
  • Old-fashioned: Groats that are rolled flat. Takes less time than steel cut, but preparation can still be quite the production.
  • Rolled: Groats that are cut finely and rolled flat. This is the best option because while they are easy and can cook as fast as an instant, it still includes the beneficial germ and bran of groats.
  • Instant: Groats that are processed, stripped of nutrients and often containing unnecessary sugar, salt, or other ingredients.

Oats are clearly extremely healthy, easy, and highly customizable. Give them the credit they deserve by making the following delicious recipe made from Toni’s OatMEAL!

Coconut Blueberry OatMEAL Recipe

Makes 1 Serving | 2 Minutes

20g protein | 10 g fiber | 295 calories | 0 saturated fat | 0 added sugars

Coconut-Blueberry with Blueberries
Toni’s Coconut-Blueberry OatMEAL
  •  ½ c       Fresh or frozen blueberries
  • ½ c       Toni’s OatMEAL in Creamy Coconut-Blueberry (18g protein)
  • ½ c       Boiling water

In a bowl or mug, microwave frozen blueberries for 40 seconds. Add OatMEAL and pour the hot water slowly over the mix. Stir gently just enough to let the ingredients distribute, then let it sit for two minutes. Enjoy!

SPECIAL ONLINE OFFER: 15% off purchase of Toni’s OatMEAL 7-meal pouch in any flavor. Use promo code COMPLETEMEAL15. Valid through April 30, 2016. Not to be combined with any other offer. Click here!

Toni Julian is a Northern California-based health advocate, sports nutrition coach, author of BITE ME! and creator of Toni’s OatMEAL–a complete and healthy, balanced meal that’s ready in minutes. Vist

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