What You Don’t Know about Shingles Can Hurt You [for Life]

You have probably heard quite a bit of buzz lately about Shingles and the newly formulated vaccine. I woke up this morning and felt so compelled to share my experiences […]
Habits to live life at the top of your game

“I KNOW what to do, why don’t I do it?” An overriding struggle with my clients I encounter almost daily, is people KNOW what to do, they WANT to do […]
Detox Smoothie — For Those Who Can’t Wait to Lose Weight

I am excited to share my latest meal solution with you! It is a naturally detoxifying, nutrient-dense, and low-calorie meal which ensures you get roughly one-third of your daily protein […]
Political Food Fight
This morning the San Jose Mercury News featured a story on the latest political debate in our community; a proposal to ban sugary drinks at city properties and events, pitched […]