We are in the midst of a world-wide pandemic.
Americans seem to be divided once again between either being denial and the potential devastation, and panic leading to grocery store raids and hoarding a year’s supply of toilet paper. As of the date of this recording, March 12, 2020, we were just learning about the spread from China and Italy, to Spain, Australia and the U.S. Because we do not have enough kits to test people who have been known to be exposed–and also those with symptoms–that we do not know the true extent. We do not know how many people are currently exposed, and therefore we do not know the level of infections and deaths we will suffer. I expect in may be in the hundreds of thousands.
Doctors in Washington are scrambling for ventilators and their hospitals are becoming overloaded. Most international flights are suspended. Schools and venues with large gatherings are shut down. Soon, gyms and restaurants. We need to take it upon ourselves to use the utmost caution. It is imperative that we educate ourselves and not go with whatever rumors are spreading or be persuaded by our circle of family, friends and neighbors to ignore the massive potential of this emerging health crisis. This is NOT media hype. I implore you NOW, to take action. Go to the CDC and the World Health Organization for your updates.
My only fear is that of ignorance of my fellow humans who dismiss this as no big deal. They put not only themselves at risk, but everyone around them, further rippling and exacerbating the situation. I have always recommended sustainable lifestyle changes, and now is the time for the biggest one yet. Let’s take this upon ourselves and nip it in the bud, before our rights are seriously limited as our freedom to circulate in our communities is further diminished. For those of you who disagree…I pray🙏 you are right and I am wrong about this. I would love to be proven wrong.
It’s time to re-evaluate.
It is time for a re-set of our values, discerning between what is necessary and what is extravagant. It’s time to support our economy and especially our small, local businesses. It’s time to put politics aside, roll up our sleeves and get to business.
Let’s feel powerful.
Many of us feel out of control, I know personally, I sure do. The nature of the next coming days and weeks are unpredictable. The fallout for coming months and years may be frightening to think about. Let’s NOT go to that space of fear. Let’s practice love and patience in our hearts, grounding of our spirits, and prayers for everyone. Let’s remember to breath. Take a deep breath. As my dad used to say “it is what it is” when he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma with a horrid prognosis. Let’s have the confidence to get through this.
The bottom line.
My intent as a health advocate, nutrition and fitness expert is to share with you some ways you can boost your immune system. This episode was recorded when we knew little information about how the virus works, and as scientists are uncovering more and I believe we will know much more in the weeks ahead. This podcast is not all-inclusive and the more we learn about the virus, the more we can intelligently put into effect to conquer this beast. Remember, please visit the WHO and the CDC for updates.
COVID-19 Prevention and Boosting Your Immune System
Also available on iTunes and Spotify
Love to you all—Toni