Nutritional Time Bombs: The top six things food manufacturers may be hiding from you
Nutritional Time Bombs: The top six things food manufacturers may be hiding from you


Toni Talks Humanity Matters Podcast Cover
Toni Talks
Nutritional Time Bombs: The top six things food manufacturers may be hiding from you


The U.S. packaged food industry is an 806.3 billion-dollar market. Are food companies competitive? You bet they are! And what you don’t know, can hurt you. In this episode Toni talks candidly about the top six things food manufacturers may be hiding from you, how that impacts you, and how to equip yourself so you can outsmart food companies and their attempt to distract you from the facts.

  • Naked truth about the food industry (00:00)
  • Front of package claims about fat (03:42)
  • Manipulating serving sizes (08:13)
  • Splitting ingredients to minimize unhealthy ones (11:42)
  • Added sugars hike and seek (16:04)
  • Label padding (24:05)
  • Obfuscating the identity of ingredients for marketing (24:56)


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