Sanitize Your Kitchen Like a Food Boss
Sanitize Your Kitchen Like a Food Boss


Toni Talks Humanity Matters Podcast Cover
Toni Talks
Sanitize Your Kitchen Like a Food Boss


I’m your host, Toni Julian, and today we’re going to be talking about how to sanitize your kitchen like a food boss. I have a healthy lifestyle company and also a commercial kitchen where we make a healthy protein oatmeal and handcrafted meal bars.

We’re a small business, but we are held to the same standards as a lot of large food businesses. So today we’ll be listening in on actually how to apply those same sanitizing methods to your kitchen, to your home, so that you can stay germ-free and virus free in these days of the Coronavirus. This virus is an invisible enemy, and the best way to stay healthy is number one, by avoiding exposure, of course, and we’ve heard all about that in the news. What to do. That’s a different topic.

But secondly, and what I want to talk about today, is ensuring that whatever we bring into our homes is not contaminated with the Coronavirus. I just want to make sure that the things that I personally do at home are as clean and as to the same standards as they are at our commercial kitchen.


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